Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Fallen Angels review, Miami Honey

4 Angels from FAR for Miami Honey!

"Enjoying her work as a Call Girl in high demand, Janet Buck is happy and content with the results of her physical labors. From the odd to the basic ménage, Janet is there, willing and pumped about each new client she takes on as well as her regulars. What more could a girl ask for when she has an understanding boyfriend and a great boss? Things change after her tried and true rules start to wobble with a client who causes her to rethink her life and relationships.

This is not a story for anyone looking for a traditional journey to the world of living happily ever after. Janet Buck is a skilled modern day courtesan doling out pleasure as her customers see fit. The encounters she winds up in had me either wide mouthed or pealing over with laughter. William, Janet’s client who brings with him acceptance and the trust she’s lacked in her personal dealings, is a good and kind man. He just happens to be brilliant and kinky! The kind of man every woman needs, working woman or not in her life and bed." -Rachelle, Fallen Angel Reviewer